Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July

It was Quinton's first 4th of July!! We went to Greg and Sandy Seley's (my friend Jeremy's parents) house and swam the day away in there pool and Q man loved the water. He did not want out. It was way too precious. Got some good video of it too. He actually liked what little fireworks we saw and we were far enough away he didn't even hear the "booms". We also got Q's 6 month pictures taken. 3 weeks later than we wanted but done nonetheless and they are priceless. Lil guy just loves the camera. Then to top off the fantastic weekend we bought Quinton a radio flyer wagon. I am starting to think that we spoil this lil fella.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Quinton being extra cheesy for the camera.

The vicious battle begins...I have a feeling that Q man will win.

I think he looks way to comfortable with drink in hand, remote at his side, and lounging in his favorite chair!

Quinton turned 6 months old on June 13, 2008. 6 months old!! Crazy little guy weighed in at 17.4lbs and was 27 1/4" tall. Melissa has apparently been feeding him his Wheaties. For his 6 month b-day we got him a mini basketball hoop that sits on the floor. Well so does Q man now. He is already slam dunking and getting cheers from the crowd. Little show off. I wonder where he gets that... :) The little cheeseball discovered a love for the camera and makes faces whenever it comes out. Quinton has also started a fake cough to get our he doesn't already own every minute of both our attentions. His love for Winnie has continued to grow and he still laughs at her and we captured it on video, finally, several times. Priceless footage. He is so close to crawling and is getting mad that he can't. Only a matter a time. Until next ya'll!


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

So, after starting this blog I haven’t updated it all. Maybe Melissa will add to it sometime….
Last week Quinton started laughing hysterically at Winnie. It was a full out chuckle and Winnie wasn’t doing anything but looking at him. Since that started we have tried to video tape it but by the time we get the video camera out and ready the moment has passed and Q man is done and doing something else.

We also gave him his first bath without the bathtub seat. Almost there but not quite…I jumped in and held him up while Melissa did the scrubbing.

We have also found out that the best investment for a 5 month old is jumper seat. We got it awhile ago and could tell that he was going to like it but had no idea he would LOVE it. Quinton gets jumping so hard that he’s bottoming it out and then will lift his legs and coast out the bounces.

Toy of the week is a stuffed turtle with a rattle inside. Pretty soon we’ll get him a real turtle.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Quinton Thomas Hall was born on Dec. 13 to Benjamin and Melissa Hall and was 6lbs 14 oz. and 19” long, 2007. It was, honestly, one of the best days of my life. The only thing topping it was when Melissa and I got married because, after all, Quinton wouldn’t be here if not for us. J
Since we just started this blog, we will have a crash course catch up from birth to date…

December 13, 2007 – First day on Earth.

Melissa was a trooper. 2 hours of solid pushing. Need I say more? Melissa cried. I cried. Our family cried. We were so happy and proud.

December 25, 2007 – First Christmas.

He was so tiny and frail. The t-shirt he is wearing says “You’re all I want for Christmas.” Which was so true.

January 2008 – New Year, New baby.

Starting to learn how much you appreciated a good night’s rest. QT was at least giving us 4 hour intervals, which wasn’t bad.

February 2008 – Valentine’s Sweetheart!

The little rascal really started to come alive exploring his vocal cords and moving around a lot more. Also, Q was staying awake for more than 15 minutes at a time so we got to play a little more.

March 2008 – Is it spring already?

Quinton was getting lots of “Tummie time” and is getting stronger by the day.

April 2008 – Bring on the solid foods.

Melissa starting giving Quinton rice cereal and oatmeal with bananas. We also would let him taste ice cream, and licorice. Probably not the best idea but it was funny watching his face. He really does like food but he just got shot in the eye with formula.

May 2008 – Our little peanut.

Talks constantly. Every day QT has a new pitch in his voice. He started rolling over in February but now does it in seconds and gets really frustrated trying to crawl. From what we hear we are in for a treat.

Cutest ISU fan ever!

Melissa and I recently bought Quinton his first ISU fitted hat. It is so adorable and my goal of turning Q to a Cyclone is at the beginning stages.

p.s. also noted is the "Daddy's little star" t-shirt!
